Minggu, 04 November 2012


 Just got a RotG fever!! (Especially Jack Frost fever :D) For those who don't know RotG, the poster is above! This movie is Dreamworks's Rise of the Guardians. For short, I'm going to call it RotG.
It all started with our main character, Jack Frost, who was asked by the four legendary characters, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Sandman, to protect the children from all around the world with their extraordinary abilities, preventing the children from falling into darkness that was created by the evil mastermind Pitch.
This movie is going to be EPIC!! As you can see in the poster, the movie will be in cinemas on November 21st, 2012. So, make sure you all watch it!!! Those who want to watch the trailer, here is the link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd71LWhCO4s
Enjoy :) 
"We go by many names and take many forms. We bring wonder and hope. We bring joy and dreams. "

  Bunnymund aka. Easter Bunny

Jack Frost


North aka. Santa Claus

Tooth Fairy


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